A Sane Way to Secure VPS

In an era where millions of bots are flying around knocking on your doors, being a little bit paranoid is a good thing

le me

Here are a couple steps that i took to sanely secure my VPS

  • Avoid using idiotic passwords βœ…
  • Setup unattended upgrades to keep my machine up to date βœ…
  • Setup backups βœ…
  • Setup firewalls βœ…
  • Setup fail2ban βœ…
  • Setup Let’s Encrypt βœ…
  • Setup Apache modsecurity βœ…
  • Hide sensitive web pages behind Apache auth βœ…
  • Hardening WordPress βœ…

Am i missing something? Tell me in the comments section bellow πŸ‘‡

Categorized as Nerding

Upgrade My Debian 10

My lovely Debian 10 has entered the end of its lifecycle

Usually, when upgrading Linux, i always start from the scratch

But today is the time to try something new

Let’s upgrade Debian 10 to Debian 12

I’m using these two guides, 10 to 11 & 11 to 12

Don’t forget to make backups first, in case something bad happens

The upgrade process takes around 20 minutes to complete

After the upgrade, i faced only two problems

First, my WordPress is not running because all my previous PHP extensions have been removed

Just run apt install, and voila, it’s running again

My second problem is that the fail2ban service raises some errors and refuses to start

After tinkering a bit, i decided to apt purge it and apt install it again, and voila, it’s started beautifully

Debian is truly a rock solid distro 🫢

Categorized as Nerding